All Purpose Seasoning
Recipe: Heat oil in a pressure cooker add ginger, garlic paste, 1tsp chilli powder, 2-3 tsp dhanajira powder. Add 2 tomatoes chopped 500g mixed vegetables (cauliflower, potatoes cubes, finely chopped French beans, and carrots) & Add 1cup water and salt cook it... Sprinkle 2 teaspoon… -
Amla Ashwagandha Energy Mix
Aumfresh certified organic Amla + Ashwagandha Powder is used as an adaptogen to help the body cope with daily stress, and as a general tonic. -
Botanical Name Emblica officinalis Aumfresh certified Organic Amla Powder is a rich source of Vitamin C, reduces constipation, improves sleeping disorder, eyesight, removes toxins from the body, boosts immunity and can purify blood. The only white Amla powder you will ever see in the world! -
Amla Powder
Aumfresh certified Organic Amla Powder is a rich source of Vitamin C, reduces constipation, improves sleeping disorder, eyesight, removes toxins from the body, boosts immunity and can purify blood. The only white Amla powder you will ever see in the world! -
Ashwagandha Root Powder
Botanical Name Withania somnifera Our dried Ashwagandha Root Powder is processed with this unique Advanced Low Temperature Cold Drying Technology (LTCD) which incorporates stringent process of drying in a sterilized closed room at low temperature which ensures that the product retain their required color, aroma,… -
Aum Fresh Pack Of 4 Pasta Seasoning
Aum Fresh Pack Of 4 Pasta Seasoning - 100% Pure & Natural, 5 gm X 4 . No artificial flavour & No preservatives sachet is processed with unique Advanced Low Temperature Cold Dried (LTCD) technology and are marketed in Cubes, Flakes, Strips, Granules and Powder… -
Aum Fresh Pack Of 4 Periperi
Aum Fresh Pack Of 4 Periperi - 100% Pure & Natural, 5 gm X 4 . No artificial flavour & No preservatives sachet is processed with unique Advanced Low Temperature Cold Dried (LTCD) technology and are marketed in Cubes, Flakes, Strips, Granules and Powder form… -
Aum Fresh Pack Of 4 Pizza Seasoning
Aum Fresh Pack Of 4 Pizza Seasoning - 100% Pure & Natural, 5 gm X 4 .No artificial flavour & No preservatives sachet is processed with unique Advanced Low Temperature Cold Dried (LTCD) technology and are marketed in Cubes, Flakes, Strips, Granules and Powder form… -
Aum Fresh Pack Of 4 Red Chilli Flakes
Aum Fresh Pack Of 4 Red Chilli Flakes - 100% Pure & Natural, 5 gm X 4 . No artificial flavour & No preservatives sachet is processed with unique Advanced Low Temperature Cold Dried (LTCD) technology and are marketed in Cubes, Flakes, Strips, Granules and… -
Aum Fresh Set Of Pizza Seasoning, Pasta Seasoning, Periperi, Red Chilli Flakes
Aum Fresh Set Of Pizza Seasoning, Pasta Seasoning, Periperi, Red Chilli Flakes - 100% Pure & Natural, 5 gm X 4 . No artificial flavour & No preservatives sachet is processed with unique Advanced Low Temperature Cold Dried (LTCD) technology and are marketed in Cubes,… -
Barbecue Seasoning
Aumfresh Barbecue Seasoning with garlic, pepper, paprika, tomato and capsicum adds a smokey hickory note for real steakhouse flavor. Use it to sprinkle on all your home barbecue parties. Recipe: 1 large boiled potato cut into piece, ½-1 tsp oil, a little salt, ½ tsp… -
Barleygrass Powder
Botanical Name Hordeum vulgare India’s most popular non-alcoholic drink, Aumfresh’s Barleygrass Powder provides the best quality powder for long term storage and use. Large amounts of vitamins and minerals could be found in Aumfresh’s barley powder. These include potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, copper, phosphorus, manganese,… -
Boiled Egg Seasoning
Recipe: Take water in a pan and slide egg in it, don’t stack them one over other. The water level must be 1-2” above eggs, cook for about 15 minutes on medium flame, discard the hot water, let eggs cool completely, After cooling remove the… -
Brahmi Powder
Botanical Name Bacopa monnieri/Centilla Asiatica Our dried Bhrami Powder is processed with this unique Advanced Low Temperature Cold Drying Technology (LTCD) which incorporates stringent process of drying in a sterilized closed room at low temperature which ensures that the product retain their required color, aroma,… -
Cajun Spice Mix
Recipe: Mix Cajun Spice Mix Seasoning, brown sugar, and sea salt in a small bowl, Brush steak lightly with oil, sprinkle seasoning on both side of the steak, Grill over medium high heat or boil 6 to 8 minutes per side or until desired doneness. -
Carrot Powder and Flakes
Botanical Name Daucus Carota Aum Fresh Dried Carrot flakes/powder are processed with a unique Advanced Low Temperature Cold Drying Technology that locks in flavor, color, aroma and nutritional values. Our Dried Carrots have an extended shelf life and contain no additives or preservatives. -
Cauliflower Pieces
Botanical Name Brassica oleracea Our Fruits, Vegetables, Herbs, Flowers are processed with unique Advanced Low Temperature Cold Dried (LTCD) technology and are marketed in Cubes, Flakes, Strips, Granules and Powder form - when compared with sun dried or freeze dried , our products are found… -
Celery Flakes
Botanical Name Apium graveolens Our Fruits, Vegetables, Herbs, Flowers are processed with unique Advanced Low Temperature Cold Dried (LTCD) technology and are marketed in Cubes, Flakes, Strips, Granules and Powder form - when compared with sun dried or freeze dried , our products are found… -
Cheese Powder
Botanical Name Blend Our Fruits, Vegetables, Herbs, Flowers are processed with unique Advanced Low Temperature Cold Dried (LTCD) technology and are marketed in Cubes, Flakes, Strips, Granules and Powder form - when compared with sun dried or freeze dried , our products are found to… -
Chicken Grill Seasoning
Recipe: Mix 1/4th cup olive oil, 2 tablespoon white wine vinegar, 1 tablespoon Chicken Grill Seasoning and ½ teaspoon Italian seasoning. Add 1 pound chicken marinated 1 to 2 hours. Grill and serve. -
Chinese Seasoning
Recipe: Heat the oil in a frying pan and fry the chicken for 4 to 5 minutes until browned, add the vegetables and the Chinese Seasoning and sesame seeds and fry for 2 to 3 minutes. Blend the corn flour with soya sauce and water… -
Cluster Beans (Guvar) Pieces
Botanical Name Cyamopsis tetragonoloba Our Fruits, Vegetables, Herbs, Flowers are processed with unique Advanced Low Temperature Cold Dried (LTCD) technology and are marketed in Cubes, Flakes, Strips, Granules and Powder form - when compared with sun dried or freeze dried , our products are found… -
Cold Dried Ashwagandha Powder
100% pure and natural Increases immunity Made from the finest quality Ashwagandha Maximum shelf life Pure powder and nothing else -
Cold Dried Ashwagandha Powder
100% pure and natural Free from additives and preservatives Processed using our specialised patented LTCD technology -
Cold Dried ™ Chives Flakes
Aumfresh organic Chives Flakes can help reduce high blood pressure. It also acts as an anti-biotic, anti-inflammatory and anti-carcinogenic. -
Dal Fry | Freeze Dried | Ready-to-eat | 100% Pure and Natural
100% pure and natural Freeze Dried No ADDITIVES NO PRESERVATIVES NO ADDED COLOUR -
Dal Makhani Combo | Freeze Dried | Ready-to-eat | Pack of 2
100% pure and natural NO ADDITIVES NO PRESERVATIVES NO ADDED COLOUR High shelf life -
Dessert spice Mix
Recipe: Tried on apple cake, Take 500g of cake Sprinkle on 1 teaspoon desert spice mix seasoning. Ready to serve it. Bake to get 2 crust pies. -
Dill Leaves
Use Aumfresh’s 100% pure and natural Freeze Dried Dill Leaves (sometimes called "dill weed" to distinguish it from dill seed) as addition to all European foods like potato salads, chicken, soups and stews. Mix with chives or parsley to get an amazing European flavour overload.